Teaching Discourse - eBooks
Teaching Discourse - Paperback
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A Teaching Discourse from the Inter-Dimensional Light Network
A number of booklets are available via Amazon Kindle Store in the series "A Teaching Discourse from the Inter-Dimensional Light Network". These were written by John Stone who passed away in 1997. John was Pananda's partner for four years prior to his passing.
Pananda has honoured John's wishes, to keep these teaching alive and they are available as e-Books. A search on Amazon.com for Pananda will take you to all the booklets available from Kindle.
Titles include:
Booklet 1: Beyond Doubting
Booklet 2: Real World
Booklet 3: Attaining Certainty
Booklet 4: Golden Torch
Booklet 5: You are Not Guilty
Booklet 6: Illusion Called Death
Booklet 7: Earth Changes
Book 8: N/A
Booklet 9: Hidden Wisdom
Booklet 10: Manifesting
Booklet 11: Prayers Answered
Booklet 12: Why would God Allow That to Happen
Booklet 13: How your body is changing
Booklet 14: N/A
Booklet 15: How & Why Astral / Etheric Healing works
These booklets in the “A Teaching Discourse” series are available as eBooks through Kindle.
A Teaching Discourse entire collection from the Inter-Dimensional Light Network in paperback
This collection was written to serve the purposes and goals of The Brotherhood of Light in the uplifting of the awareness and love of all mankind.
January 1991
When I sat down and started to write this in 1983, I was under the impression that I had decided to do this entirely of my own volition. As time went on, I became aware that there was an energy and intelligence working through me that was above and beyond my normal command.
When I was unexpectedly interrupted on two separate occasions, I experienced some physical distress not unlike an electric shock. I realised, and it was later confirmed that I was in a light trance state and was channelling the material clairsentiently.
In time, I established clear contact with the Intelligence who was behind it and I was told that I had made an agreement before I incarnated in this lifetime, to channel through the wisdom of the teaching of those Beings of great illumination, known as The Brotherhood of Light,Little did I then realise that this would be the first in a series of instruction on how to achieve total attunement with one's Higher Self and the attainment of UNLIMETEDNESS. So be it! John Stone-----
This book is dedicated to the memories and teachings of John Stone, Light-Worker extraordinaire. John passed through from this dimension in 1997, but has left behind a legacy of knowledge, which is now available to you. John was Pananda’s partner for over 4 years prior to his passing over. These booklets have been consolidated into this book for publishing.
John was a dedicated light-worker and prolific with his teaching. Working with the “Master” (Mr Wong) who channelled through John and the “Brotherhood of Light”, he produced many “teachings” both in class and in written form. John was the gatekeeper for this knowledge and a healer. It is with both joy and sadness at his passing, for he is now with his “spirit” friends
in love and light, Pananda Kohlman
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