"Working with the Insights of the Angels"

Everyone faces difficulties and encounters within their life. Questions arise, but answers to these questions do not always seem to be forthcoming. So what if you’ve been looking in the wrong place for the answers? What if the answers have been there all along… just someplace you’ve never thought to look? This is where Pananda can help. Let her show you how to connect.
  • Psychic Medium Reading
    Mediumship is the communication between those who have crossed over (spirit) and the living. Pananda is the bridge between the two worlds. She facilitates relaying messages from spirit, messages from those who have passed to their loved ones in the here and now. This can help ease the pain and bring some relief just knowing your passed loved one is okay. Pananda provides a chance for you to experience connections with the other side, receiving insights and guidance that can affect your lives. Although there are no guarantees that spirit will come through or be recognised. Remember that no one knows you better than yourself, and no one has a closer connection with your deceased loved ones and spiritual guides than you do. Small group (2-8) and Private readings are available with Pananda. Bookings are essential. Preparation for a reading:
    Individual Reading
    Small Group Reading
    Mediumship - Platform
    Insightful opportunities to receive personal messages and direction from the other side. Pananda can assist with emotional issues, life guidance or give evidential messages from the spirit world; which can give you spiritual guidance and help you see the bigger picture and help you to understand the reason and purpose of your life here on earth. At this point, visions, words, images, feelings and spiritual experiences occur by flowing into the mediums' subconscious. When Pananda is delivering such visions or messages to her client(s) she will describe their spirits present and ask them to show her an image or give her a message. Often Pananda will thank spirit as they are giving the information. Please be open to whatever spirits show up, as we can’t pick and choose those we wish to hear from. Keep in mind that the spirits have their own program. Whatever they feel is in your highest and greatest good at that time will come through. When Pananda sits one-on-one with her clients, it is easier to pick up on their spiritual aura and guides or departed ones present and the session is personal.
    Small Group Readings allows Pananda to do what she does best — connect the living with the spirit world. Throughout these sessions (max. 2 hours), she is able to pass on insightful, personal and healing messages from your departed loved ones in a safe, sympathetic and warm setting. Small groups provide an unrivalled occasion for like-minded individuals to communally experience the transformational influence of Spirit. Together, the assembly receives insight, direction and often amusing messages from the beyond; which speak to all in the group. Gaining validation and information for yourself through others’ readings as well. Amazingly, the reasons for each group coming together unfolds once the reading is underway. No two sessions are ever the same; each one is unique, as the vibration is different every time. In addition to providing collective understanding to the group, Pananda is able to deliver personalised and validating messages to those present. Please be open to whatever spirits show up, as we can’t pick and choose those we wish to hear from. Keep in mind that the spirits have their own program. Whatever they feel is in your highest and greatest good at that time will come through. Pananda is offering small (two to eight-person) group readings at her rooms in the SE-suburbs of Melbourne.
    The medium (Pananda) stands in front of a gathering of people and delivers messages from the spirit world to those present at the time. There are many spheres of existence invisible to us because they function in a different manner from ours. Mediumship is one way to tap into these other spheres of existence. Pananda as a medium is able to provide proof of survival after death and communication between the two worlds, the living (here & now) and the spiritual. Before we start, we will always set an intention that those Spirits you most need to connect with will show up to impart messages for your soul’s highest good and healing. So while I will endeavour to, I cannot promise a particular person, in spirit form, will come forward to be heard. Please trust that you will get exactly the right direction at exactly the right moment.
  • Spiritual Healing
    Spiritual Healing is a form of "hands on" energy healing. It is aligning to Life Force Energy. This energy can be channelled for a beneficial effect to a person, place or object, at all levels; Body, Mind and Spirit through the intent of loving thoughts. Spiritual Healing may be given to any person, without distinction, who is suffering from any illness, injury or problem. The client is usually seated or lying on a massage table in a relaxed position when receiving Spiritual Healing. The practitioner will align themselves and then channel the healing energies through their hands directly to you. Spiritual Healing works by simple laying of hands and intent.
  • Channelled Teachings
    Multi-dimensional entities are channelled through Pananda and speak on a variety of topics relevant to those in audience. Counsel is provided by these energies, through the channelling, on current issues; for each person questions are encouraged during these sessions. Pananda goes into a trance, or "leaves her body", allowing the spiritual energies to borrow her body, who then talks through her. When in a trance the Pananda's voice is used by spirit. The rhythm and the intonation of her voice may also change completely. Appointment for these sessions is necessary.
  • Meditation
    Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. It is recognized as a component of almost all religions, and has been practiced for over 5,000 years. It is also practiced outside religious traditions. Different meditative disciplines encompass a wide range of spiritual and / or psychophysical practices which may emphasize different goals -- from achievement of a higher state of consciousness, to greater focus, creativity or self-awareness, or simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind. Meditation has a calming influence on the human element and provides benefits of emotional balance, clarity and a stillness of the mind. Pananda offers meditation sessions for small groups on a regular basis, bookings are essential.
  • Transmutation Soul TherapyTM
    Transmutation Soul Therapy™ is a fast, safe, effective, and powerful way to release stress and personal limitations in all areas of your life, while bringing more awareness into your life through a greater understanding of yourself This energy transmutation accesses higher realms to help clear blockages. It is a “way in” to reach a high level of body alignment, assisting the body to use energies to facilitate healing. Understand that no healer actually heals a client. The healer facilitates energies for the client's own body to use, if it is able to. This is why the alignment of the etheric body is important. It is a way to reach a high level of body alignment, assisting the body to use energies to facilitate healing. Understand that no healer actually heals a client. The healer facilitates energies for the client's own body to use, if it is able to. This is why the alignment of the Etheric Body is important. Childhood experiences, past physical, emotional, or sexual abuses are stored in various parts and levels of our bodies. These blockages affect the free flow of energy and can be a poison greater than chemicals.
  • End of Life Doula
    Services an End of Life Doula Provides An End of Life Doula is someone who makes themselves available to assist a dying individual and, typically, the family before, during and after a death occurs — often referred to as the pan-death "spectrum," "process" or "journey" — in order to provide physical, emotional, psychological and even spiritual support. The End of Life Doula offers/assists in a wide range of services that can vary greatly, depending upon the circumstances, but generally seeks to provide a holistic, hands-on, non-medical approach to the fundamentally natural process of dying for all parties involved. While it can assume many forms, the intent of an End of Life Doula is typically to help transition or "bridge the gap" for both the living and the dead created by the focus of medical practitioners on saving lives versus the role of funeral directors and others whose functions begin after death occurs. An End-of-Life Doula is a non-medical role that provides support, options and education assisting the dying and those around them have their end of life unfold in alignment with their wishes, to preserve the quality of life, well being and self-worth up to and beyond the end of life as we know it. They are the “informed companion” bringing comfort, support, compassion, and assist a person and their family in feeling safe and supported during this important transition. An End of Life Doula might offer any of the following services, among many others: For the individual: Whether in the family's home, hospice, hospital or some other setting, an End of Life Doula often provides the profound gift of companionship. Among many things, this might comprise simply holding the dying person's hand; actively listening to his or her comments; conversing and attempting to offer answers / comfort to the individual's questions / concerns / needs; watching television or reading a book aloud; discussing end-of-life wishes; helping the dying individual resolve / find peace about real or imagined wrongs; etc. For the Family: Whether in the family's home, hospice, hospital or some other setting, an End of Life Doula often provides the gift of continuity across the pan-death spectrum, i.e., before, during and after a death occurs. Among many things, this might comprise performing various basic tasks usually conducted by a home caregiver; staying with the dying individual while family members are away; facilitating supportive communication and / or conversations between all parties; assisting in the creation of meaningful goodbyes during the remaining hours of life; guiding the family to bathe and dress the deceased; serving as a resource for funeral/interment planning; etc. Having someone at your side walking beside you ALL the way; guiding, encouraging; sharing and providing options is a proven source of comfort, strength and empowerment both for the dying, their families and friends. Whatever the name - a Doula is a non-medical role, providing support, options and resources to those at end of life. A Doula's role can be likened to an event manager or planner. Someone there to coordinate all the pieces of the puzzle. They are part of your "team" during this time. End of Life is a whole storyboard made up of many stages: pre-planning, preparing, aging and / or a diagnosis progression, actively dying, the time of death, after death care, funeral, bereavement and care for the living. For further information about our End of Life Doula Services that Pananda offers, please contact Pananda 0417 714 093 or email: doula @ angel-insights.com While most hospice workers focus on the physical needs of the dying, Doulas offer emotional and spiritual support. They often help the dying reflect on life’s meaning. They conduct comforting rituals, including light touch and holding hands. They will read to patients or play favourite music. Doulas also explain signs and symptoms of dying to the family and help them know what’s coming next.


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